Saturday, April 5, 2014

40 Day Devotionals 2014 Day 32

I am helpless in helping my wife through this difficult time :-( She has had an upset tummy and been sick quite a bit for the last few days. She has had this off and on throughout the pregnancy. Everyone says that it may get better. It is now into month 5 and yet things haven't really gotten too much better. I feel helpless in the situation. As a guy, I want to fix it, as the cliche goes. But those who know me know that for me it is not about fixing, it is about comfort. I know the sacrifice and commitment my wife made when we decided to have kids. I just want the struggle to go away for such a loving act. All I can do is hug her and provide for her. Hopefully the "ick" will pass. Pray that it does.

I cannot stand it when there is bickering amongst people over nothing. Usually the problems can be solved with good communication and loving actions.
Lately, I have noticed some people having issues. I have listened to different people share their side of the story. It is actually kind of interesting. Neither side is "right", which is usually the case. However each person thinks they know whats going on and who is the main problem. Here is the kicker, no one has really talked to each other. They just keep causing more problems, makings cliques, and hurting feelings. It will explode soon if it isn't fixed.
The sad part is, they are all friends. Hence the devotional.

Day 30


Galatians 6:1-5

-    Before Reading the scripture today; Pray and ask the spirit to guide you in the reading:
-    Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 3 If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. 4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, 5 for each one should carry their own load.


-    Have you ever witnessed when people are mean to each other in the church? Or other Christians acting inappropriately? People taking sides and destroying relationships, people not appreciating help, looking out for only themselves, exploiting other people. Don’t these things happening in the House of God make a horrible witness to the outside world?
-    People leave the church or youth group constantly. I would argue that most of the times it is because of lack of good communication amongst the people. Someone’s feelings were hurt, someone didn’t like a teaching, and someone was doing something they shouldn’t. All these things and so much more were happening, but no one ever discussed these things in love. That is the key, in love! Paul says to the church to do it gently.
-    I’m sure everyone can think of a time in their own life where a relationship was destroyed because no one did anything to fix it. They just let the arguments happen, things got bad, and people went their separate ways. This is not God’s design.
-    Like the unity of God in the Trinity, we are supposed to be many people as one unit; functioning for His glory. It is time to be ready to call these things out before they become destructive. If you see your brothers and sisters in Christ causing problems, be ready to hold them accountable; using scripture and spiritual elders as your guide and help.


-    Have you ever watched as something bad happened around you? What did you do?
-    Are their problems amongst your friends or family that need to be settled and resolved?
-    Are you comfortable enough in your faith to challenge others using people you trust?


-    Pray to the Lord that he protects you and the people in your world from destruction; whether it be from within or outside. Ask God to give you the strength and wisdom to follow through on His commands. Ask the Lord to give you guidance on how to resolve issues in your relationships.

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