As the Rolling Stones taught us, "You can't always get what you want." But with our God, you can get what you need.
I have been praying and thinking a lot about direction lately. Obviously with the new addition to the family I am seeking God's guidance in so many things. That has been a tough task. I have been running on auto-pilot for quite some time. I am enjoying that having a baby is challenging my faith in a good way!
I want a lot of things; A happy life, a happy wife, a healthy baby girl, financial security, a house that doesn't need repairs, a ministry that runs smoothly, cars that don't need fixing, a body that can maintain itself, peace of mind for my friends and family.
I know that God will give me what I need. I just have to go out there and get it.
Day 43
Matthew 7:7-8
- Before Reading the scripture today; Pray and ask the spirit to guide you in the reading:
- 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
- This is a classic scripture. There are songs written about it, there are countless poems, positive paintings, quotes, and many, many lessons based on it. Jesus talks about something very simple here. But isn’t Faith within itself, a simple concept. Such a simple concept that even a child can understand it.
- Doesn’t a child have faith that its parents will take care of it? In the same way shouldn’t we as adults have the same Faith with our Father?
- Then why is it that we don’t have that kind of faith with God? Did you always get what you wanted as a child? Do you give everything to children? No, sometimes you don’t, to help them learn that not all can be gotten just by asking. Sometimes you have to work for it, earn it, or find it. Sometimes you don’t deserve it. Does the child get upset because of your answer? Of course, the same way we get angry when our heavenly Father gives us the same answer.
- However, Jesus teaches us that we shouldn’t stop trying. We should keep going. Have the Faith that God will give you not what you want, but what you need in this life. And so very much more!
- Go back and read the scripture again 3 times. Almost like a mantra. Meditate on the scripture.
- What do these promises tell you about our Father?
- What specific things in your life do you need to ask the father about?
- What are seeking God’s will for?
- Pray to the Father that His will may be done in your life. Ask Him for guidance, direction and discipline. Pray just as Jesus prayed in the Garden, knowing that the will of God is better than your own will. Ask God for what is good in your life now, in the future, and eternally.
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