Tuesday, March 25, 2014

40 Day Devotionals 2014 Day 21

So lately I have been trying to get on an exercise regimen. It. Is. So. Hard! I cannot seem to get myself at the level I want. So I am settling for just starting and keeping with it. You see, I have this knack for not starting things because I am afraid they won't be perfect. If something will not be done to the highest standard, then I just don't do it. As I grew and matured, I realized how much of life I missed on. Ministry has taught me that life is so messy. Things are not perfect. There will be plenty of awesome things in life that must be embraced that will be totally messy (babies included).
So I am learning and growing with things. I still have a bad habit of setting expectations that I do not keep. But at least I set expectations. If I don't, I have no standard to reach. These were things that stressed me out and kept me up all night. Now, I have different things that stress me out. But at least I start them I take that step in faith knowing that I may fail, but God will use my failures for His glory, or at the very least, to help me grow as an individual.
By the way, no we don't have a name picked out yet! Help!



Isaiah 26: 2-4

-          2 Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith. 3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
4 Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.


-          Our homes keep us safe from harm don’t they? They are our safe place. When a storm rolls in we can avoid the harsh stuff by hiding under the covers. Just like our physical homes, if we built our spiritual homes on solid ground we have a safe place to run to. We have a place to go to when things get tough.
-          There are times when I get so stressed over stuff. I remember when I wasn’t a guy that worried about things and just cast things aside. But I noticed that I started to stress a lot more when I started to focus on the problem instead of the solution. I realized that to most of my problems, God was the solution. “Cast your burdens on me and I will sustain you.” (Psalm 55:22)
-          Life without taking in the comfort of the Lord is not life at all. Trust in the Lord is so difficult. It is built through a relationship with Him. Relationship means communication, it means reading His word, it means finding spiritual guidance during to life’s’ difficult times.
-          A believer that trusts in God receives the peace of Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


-          Do you trust in God? Do you give Him your worries?
-          Are worries even worth it? Do you try to work on fixing your issues or do you just dwell on them?
-          Do you depend on God in everything that you do? Do you understand what it means to live life with God as your guide?


-          Ask the Lord for comfort and guidance during difficult times. Let Him be your go to friend for complaints, problems, stress, and worries. Ask Him to make your burdens light. Pray He gives you the guidance and strength to give Him your worries. Pray for your friends and family that they may have lives without stress.

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