Tuesday, March 11, 2014

40 Day Devotionals 2014 Day 7

I cannot contain my excitement and my nerves! Tomorrow is the big day! We find out whether our baby is a boy or girl. Well, technically. We are doing a gender reveal thing which kind of makes us wait until Sunday. Regardless, this is the big appointment where do all kinds of measurements and stuff. Things I don't even know much about. For some reason I am excited! Well, obvious reasons. Oh, and no, we don't have names picked out yet. Yes, we are open to opinions!
These kinds of times in life definitely make me jump for Joy and Praise God for the blessings in my life. I mean, yea there are hardships and struggles. Things aren't perfect. However I would much rather be happy than sad. (by the way, I love that Pharrell song, "Happy", if you haven't heard it, it is so fun!)
I spend enough time worrying and complaining. Seriously, I do. I sometimes catch myself doing it way too much! It is then that I am reminded that I haven't spent enough time praising God. When I get into worship and really let go, just let the Spirit of worship take me over, something amazing happens. I get so filled with positive energy that I cannot contain my excitement for my Lord, the blessings in my life, and the desire to share that Love and energy with others.
I just want to encourage some of you who have never gotten really into worship, to give it a try. Sometimes it may seem weird, to just sing. Sometimes though, being able to just sing your emotions and thoughts is so freeing, it conveys your inner self in ways you have to experience. Don't worry about those around you, watching you, judging you silently, if they are doing that, they have problems of their own. The reality is, worshiping Him in song, dance and praise is something God has created that really helps us connect with Him. I love it. I hope you do too!

Day 7
Psalm 96: 1-4
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
-          Let the Glory of the Lord, rise among us! What song comes to mind when you think about praising the Lord in song? There are so many hymns, praise songs, and choruses that I love to sing to God with and about. If you don’t have a favorite one, I urge you to find one! I love to worship the Lord. It fills me like nothing else can. I get lost in worship at times, letting the Spirit take me over. Have you ever let go of yourself so much to just let it be you and God in worship?
-          We have progressed so far as a culture and society. We have technology that no one could have imagined, we have infrastructure to carry us to all ends of the earth, but we have yet to make a connection to God the father better than the ones He has created, in Praise and Prayer. Thinking of the joy of worship gets me excited every time about my faith. Being in His presence is infectious.
-          Now we are children of the light, Jesus’ light. It is our calling to spread His word and message throughout the world. It is critical for us to sing the praises of our Lord to all the people that we know.
-          Does the glory of the Lord make your light shine bright? What does God do for you that can make you sing with joy?
-          Are you living a life that glorifies the maker and creator of all things?
-          Are there people you meet every day; friends, classmates, co-workers, even family, who do not know that you are a follower of Christ?
-          This season of lent can you find at least 2 people you will tell about your faith?
-          Pray that Jesus gives you the direction, perseverance, compassion, and discipline to carry your light every day. That whoever looks at you may understand that you are a follower of Christ. Not a bad example to the world but a caring, compassionate, loving individual who wants to see other peoples’ lives improve. Pray that the Lord opens up a deep spirit of worship in you. Pray that God leads you to someone who needs to feel His love. Pray about inviting that person to worship.

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