Friday, March 7, 2014

40 Day Devotionals 2014 Day 3

It actually has been quite difficult sitting at home with Kelli and watching her go through this pregnancy. Some people assume that it is a normal aspect of life and it is just another challenge. These people have never been pregnant. I cannot imagine the way she feels all the time. Between the headaches, the nausea, the weird feelings, and all the other pregnancy symptoms, I'm sure it is too much to handle. I have tried to the best of my ability to help around the house and do all the things that I can. It isn't that easy when I work all day, stress about house stuff, and then come home and try to do house stuff. Then again, I didn't make life inside of my body today either, so I can at least help.
Lately I have been starting to think about whether or not my child will know Jesus like I have. I assume this is something everyone who has a relationship with Jesus worries about for their kids. I started to reflect on my salvation during this devotional and couldn't help but think about what it will mean to my boy/girl. I hope I can be the love of Christ to my child.

Day 3
John 20: 30-31
-          Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
-          In today’s verses, John wants us to know “that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” (v. 31). But why is it so important that we believe He is God’s Son? The most obvious reason is because our salvation, and therefore our eternal destiny, depends upon our faith in this truth. But after salvation, Christ’s divine identity should continue to affect us.
-          For one thing, the Son offers a deeper understanding of the Father. Since Jesus is both God and man, He is uniquely qualified to help us in this way. As we study His life, the aspects of God’s character and ways that are difficult for our human minds to grasp come to life through Christ’s teaching and example.
-          He also shows us who we can become. The Lord is committed to transforming each of His followers into the likeness of His Son. Though we’ll never reach perfection or attain Christ’s divine attributes, His character can be worked out in our lives as we yield to the Holy Spirit. Jesus is our example for godly attitudes, words, and actions.
-          Have you taken the time to understand what Jesus being the Messiah is in your life?
-          What is aspects of your life is Jesus the Lord of?
-          Have you ever stopped and said, “Jesus is the Lord of my life?”
-          Do you understand what Salvation truly means for you?
-          Ask the Lord today to help you reflect on your salvation. Ask Him what it is He is purifying you of? What in your life has Jesus become Messiah of? Pray about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this seems silly, but I gave up coffee for that's all I seem to be focused on at the moment. Each time it comes to mind, I'm supposed to turn my focus onto Christ and what He's done for me. Unfortunately, I'm still stuck in the "I WANT COFFEE" stage. These devos are wonderful though, they give me some focused Truth to turn my heart to instead of my lack of delicious coffee. LOL.