Monday, March 10, 2014

40 Day Devotionals 2014 Day 6

Today was a whirlwind of a day! I barely got any sleep. Which has been normal for the last few weeks. There is probably multiple reasons why. I know that one of the major things is that I wear myself down. I work myself to the bone, and then I can't focus. Which then leads to me losing direction, stressing out, and losing sleep. This is normal for me lately. Not exactly healthy.
I say this because I realize that I have to start treating my body with respect. God has chosen me worthy to be a father, a husband, and a leader in His kingdom. That means He doesn't just think my "brain" is worthy, but all of me. I am not respecting what He has given me. I absolutely need to. So that is what I am going to do. I need to get a hold of myself, for my wife, my future son or daughter, and my ministry. Let alone that I need to do that to honor God for just letting me breathe everyday! This is all an honest repent.
I am such a blessed man and I need to honor an worship the creator with all of my being!
On another note, we find out the gender of the baby this week! I cannot tell you how stinking excited I am! We will be releasing the info soon enough to our friends and family. Be praying for us. They do all the baby essential checks in this appointment. I am nervous but I know that God has our child in His hands. Isn't that a humbling concept. The God of the universe, has planned and created my little baby. I was able to be a part of that!

Day 6
Matthew 8: 23-27
-          23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”  26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.  27 The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

-          The disciples traveling with Jesus on that night said something that ought to make us sit up and take notice. “What kind of a man is this . . . ?” If we ask ourselves that same question, we will start to see the big picture of who Jesus is instead of concentrating on the “slivers” of personality revealed by individual stories.
-          I want to approach this scripture with the idea of respect. Do we respect our maker with our actions and words? We know that Jesus is God, John 1 tells us that. The question is do we worship Him like He is. Is it even possible to live a life that gives all glory to Him? Do you take in music and media that uplifts you, builds fellowship, and connects you with God? Do you associate yourself with people who lift you up or bring you down? Do you share your faith with your friends and family by providing them with Love and the Gospel?
-          These are all questions we need to ask ourselves when we worship the Lord that controls the winds and waves.
-          Have you taken the time lately to Praise God?
-          Do you hold Jesus in the highest honor? Respecting Him in all that you do? Wouldn’t that change the way you handle every situation and person?
-          Do you have the Faith to treat everyone like Jesus would treat them?
-          Give all honor and glory to Jesus. Praise Him for your life, your love, your family, friends, jobs, education, home and belonging, everything! For through Him all these things are given. Pray for the ability to live a walk that resembles His. Ask Him to help you live a life that respects who He is to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the sleep you get now...because soon you'll be getting less!

Thank you for being such an awesome Christian friend, uplifting and encouraging!